Monday, October 31, 2011

"Random Monday" #6 Costume

Hey everybody,
                         Happy Halloween! Today I'm going to be telling you about my Halloween costume! If you don't know what I'm being yet I'm being "Batgirl"!! It's a really great costume, I got it at Wallgreens for $25 and then I got some black tights for it, and the costume was perfect! As you can see in the picture I don't have my Hair done or my makeup, Halloween is the only time of the year I can go all out with makeup, and people won't look at me funny!! I love playing with my makeup and hair, since your most likely not going to see me on Halloween I'll tell you what my makeup is going to be and my hair! So makeup is going to be kinda hard to explain in writing, so here's a link to the makeup part Now for my hair it's easy I'm going to curl it (don't worry with heat spray) and I'm sure it will look awesome!!!
                                                                                                                                              x Elisabeth

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